What We Do
ADAC was founded in 2003 by Alaska's public health, dental health, and community health professionals. For decades, ADAC has advocated for policies and practices supporting optimal oral health, advised the State of Alaska on workforce development and training needs and initiatives, and educated within the community on important health issues like water fluoridation and sugar-sweetened beverages.
ADAC was founded in 2003 by Alaska's public health, dental health, and community health professionals. For decades, ADAC has advocated for policies and practices supporting optimal oral health, advised the State of Alaska on workforce development and training needs and initiatives, and educated within the community on important health issues like water fluoridation and sugar-sweetened beverages.
The ADAC action plan identifies areas of priority for ADAC subcommittees and member organizations. Results of the action plan are shared with the public and with the State of Alaska. The ADAC action plan informs the State of Alaska's Oral Health Program and helps the State put together their Oral Health Action Plan
ADAC members are welcome to participate in four subcommittees:
1) Health Education 2) Access to Care
3) Fluoride 4) Workforce Development